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30-Day FREE Trial Now

FREE Trial

Leading Expert in Cloud APIM

Lite (Standalone)
Lite (High Availability)
Enterprise (Standalone)
Enterprise (High Availability)
API Calls per month*
< 50 million
> 50 million
< 50 million
> 50 million
Throughput per month
> 500GB
> 500GB
OpenSearch Reporting
APIs managed
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
No Limit
Cost per hour per pod
0.49 USD / pod
0.29 USD / pod
0.59 USD / pod
0.35 USD / pod
Cost annually
3,999 USD / pod
2,499 USD / pod
4,999 USD / pod
2,999 USD / pod
High Availability
API Calls per month*
< 50 million
> 50 million
Throughput per month
> 500GB
OpenSearch Reporting
APIs managed
No Limit
No Limit
Cost per hour per pod
0.59 USD / pod
0.35 USD / pod
Cost annually
4,999 USD / pod
2,999 USD / pod

How digiRunner Cloud Keeps Critical Systems Up and Running

High Availability


Lower data migration risks with a containerized architecture. Simplify deployment and management to achieve environment consistency and resource efficiency.



Non-disruptive core system operations during service and application updates. Stay agile and swift in response to evolving needs and market conditions.


Zero-Trust Protection

Safeguard against attacks and data breaches with a zero-trust security model and API access control. Stay risk-aware and resilient in the face of security threats.

Cost Effectiveness

Flexible Pricing Model

Less on maintenance and management costs by paying on an as-needed basis. Maximize resources and make informed decisions with insightful reports.

More in Buyer Guide

This guide walks you through every step to install, launch and deploy digiRunner Cloud on AWS Marketplace in just 20 minutes.

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How to Subscribe on AWS

This tutorial demonstrates how simple it is to deploy digiRunner on AWS Marketplace from start to finish.

Watch Tutorial

FREE Trial Available

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Q1:We have two API servers. If one of them dies, will the traffic be automatically switched to the other remaining server? Does it need to be reconfigured manually if using a router with load balancing on digiRunner?

A:In a high-availability architecture deployment, if one of the API servers (digiRunner) dies, all requests will be redirected to the other one automatically without manual configuration.

Q2:Where and how is the data stored?

A:Data is stored as RDB in the Redis database that can be configured according to customer needs.
Most of our partners in the financial industry adopt an Active/Standby mode of operation (high-availability). With a bigger budget, it is possible to adopt an Active/Active mode with Disaster Recovery or an Active/Active/Standby 3-mode architecture that allows for swift backup and recovery in case of a failover.

Q3:What caching engine is embedded on digiRunner?

A:digiRunner is embedded with smart caching—a patented in-memory caching technique that synchronizes data across nodes and dynamically stores data based on API loading.

Q4:Which regions/sites is digiRunner available in?

A:digiRunner is now available in all AWS regions/sites. Click to start a 30-day free trial.

Q5:What is Transactions Per Second (TPS)?

A:Transactions Per Second (TPS) refers to the maximum number of transactions that a system can process per second.
The TPS of standard 2 Core CPU / 4GB RAM digiRunner is sufficient for regular usage. We recommend a 4 Core CPU / 8GB RAM model as it allows for a capacity of 300-1000 transactions per second. Note that actual TPS varies with different environment configurations.

Q6:Does digiRunner have a built-in load balancer or web application firewall (WAF)?

A:digiRunner uses Nginx to distribute traffic across endpoints on servers with mechanisms ensuring the stability of API services. It is also feasible to integrate the existing WAF providers such as F5 or No Name Security.

Q7:What security mechanisms does digiRunner have?

A:digiRunner supports OAuth 2.0, API key, X API key, whitelist and basic access (also known as HTTP authentication). To ensure data integrity and confidentiality, each client has an option to encrypt or decrypt messages with JWS (RFC-7515) or JWE (RFC-7516) via JWT standards (RFC-7519).

Q8:Does digiRunner offer more than 99.9% uptime availability?

A:Yes, it does. Please reach out to us to learn more about how digiRunner can elevate your business and further discuss your specific needs.

Q9:For High Availability, can digiRunner support more than 5 pods?

A:Yes, it can. The current threshold is set to a maximum of 5. Please contact us to discuss your requirements with us.

Q10:What is included during the free-trial period?

A:All features for each solution (digiRunner Enterprise High Availability/Standalone and digiRunner Lite High Availability/Standalone) are included.
You will NOT be charged for any license fee for the first 30 days within the free-trial period. However, there is an hourly charge for the AWS infrastructure cost for each pod. For more pricing details, visit Amazon EC2 Pricing and AWS Fargate Pricing.
  1. 1. AWS Infrastructure Cost
    Charges will be incurred for utilizing AWS infrastructure. For more pricing details, visit Amazon EC2 Pricing and Amazon Fargate Pricing.
  2. 2.30-Day Free Trial
    You will NOT be charged for any license fee for the first 30 days within the free-trial period. However, there is an hourly charge for the AWS infrastructure cost for each pod used.
    Your subscription will automatically convert to a paid plan upon the expiration of the free trial. You will be charged for pod usage that exceeds the allocated free quota.
Quick, Simple, Efficient digiRunner reshapes cloud API management